Blog Archive

Monday, April 20, 2015

Institutional Memories

Institutional memory becomes an issue for organizations as they age, and the successive leadership is further removed from the roots of its establishment.
“Anastasiya Markovich Time” by Creator:
Anastasiya Markovich –
by email from the author. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via
 Wikimedia Commons –
History is there to preserve the mission and maintain a heritage for the group. Your association need not be hamstrung by unwanted fetters of custom.  Groups need to evolve and grow. They also have to honor their procedures and precedents.
Institutions should build on those precedents when moving forward.
In reinventing, modernizing and transforming, your group shoul d be sure it doesn't stray from its mission. That mission, of course, can be simply seen as serving the needs of its constituency.
Sometimes it takes a reinvention to completely fulfill that mission.
 Reprinted from cleanlists.wordpress:

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