Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In the top five most stressful jobs

and your volunteers happily work at it. 

Event planning is #5 on the list of jobs with the greatest stress. Volunteers in the organizations we've managed take on this task on a regular schedule. 

They either plan a large fund-raising program or monthly meetings. In some cases, they put together more than one event in a month. 

As managers, we give them all the support we can, but the brunt of the efforts is on them.

  1. They initiate topics of interest
  2. They contact speakers and moderators
  3. They locate and secure venues
  4. They budget for the event and anticipate attendance
  5. They create an announcement
At this point, we and their fellow club management team assist in promoting the event to its various constituencies.

Our marketing relies heavily on social media from FB to LNKD and Tumblr. G+ gets in the act as well. Announcements are shared, liked, and tweeted.

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